NEW DELHI: Govt Thursday informed RS that nearly 1,734 sq km of forest area has been lost in the country in the last 10 years due to development activities but land has also been acquired for compensatory afforestation during the period and the overall forest cover has increased by around 21,762 sq km in 2021 compared to 2011.Data shared by environment minister Bhupender Yadav shows that highest diversion of forest land for non-forestry purposes during 2014 and 2024 was reported from MP, followed by Odisha, Telangana, Gujarat & Arunachal Pradesh.“Whenever Centre accords approval for use of forest land for non-forestry purposes, cost of compensatory afforestation and net present value of the land is realised from user agency as per the norms. Moreover, additional mitigation measures such as soil and moisture conservation works, catchment area treatment plans and wildlife management plans, are also stipulated as per the requirement,” Yadav added.
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